
The First Day of Spring

The beds are made, the dishes are washed, the bathroom is clean, the washing is in the machine and the garden is watered... and it is only 08:55 now. So much energy, so much enthusiasm... could it be blamed on Spring Fever.

In South Africa the first day of September is seen as officially the first day of Spring and since my early childhood it is a day I look forward to. In school we would all take flowers to school and we would wear spring-coloured dresses instead of school uniforms. In primary school we would celebrate with a picnic and everybody would be happy. Even today, many, many years later, this day holds a feeling of expectation... something new is going to happen!

I love Spring. I love the way nature awakens after its winter sleep. I love the new buds on plants, the blossoms on fruit trees, the new shoots of grass in the veldt. My father once, after a rain shower, walked with me in the veldt and at one point stopped and told me to keep quiet and just listen. He told me if I keep dead still and absolutely quiet, I would hear the grass grow... and I did! It was a rusling sound with tiny snaps and crackles mixed in. Only many years later did I realise that it was probably insects and other small animals moving around that I heard , but on that day, it was a pure wonderment to listen to the grass growing.

We live very close to nature in all its forms. A ten minute walk from my house in any direction and I find myself in the veldt. The behaviour of animals, birds and insects in Spring never cease to amaze me. Suddenly they all become very busy preparing for the Summer to come. A renaissance of nature and it always brings a smile to my face and the words "Gods in His Heaven and alls well on Earth" to my mind.

There has been no spring rains so far, and yet, plants take nourishment from the dew and sometimes I think from the very air, and start sprouting. In my part of the woods it is often said that the Bushvelt is "oh, so grateful". At the first whispering of Spring and with the slightest traces of moisture, it changes its dull and dreary winter cloak into the bright and vidid cloak of Joseph fame.

Even my garden rewarded me this morning with a surprise. The buds that have been present for days on my first Clivia to flower this season, were completely open this morning. How absolutely beautiful and what a promise of things to come.


Argent said...

Oh, how I envy you! It's drearsy as anything here and supposed to be summer but that's been a total washout this year. How lovely to have the veldt so close by, too. Thanks for the lovely images in this post.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Oh, envy! Spring is my favorite season. Our lackluster summer in Illinois is quickly becoming an early autumn, to my dismay.

Maybe if I get a new sweater it will make me more excited for the cooler weather.

janis said...

Oh so interesting! I never realized that the world isn't on the same schedule we are here in America. I just never thought about it. I too, love the Spring. I have to wait till late March for it here.
I am antcipating Fall, and I do love this season too! I live in Indiana and we will soon see the splendid fall colors. Our tress will have goregous swirls of Reds, yellows, Browns & greens. The leaves will fall, they will crunch underfoot, and the air will smell so crisp. Hot Chocolate, apples, and cider will be the popular choices. We will flock to the parks to see the vibrant colors and we will enjoy cool football nights.
Keep telling us more about your Spring. I love hearing more!

A human kind of human said...

Argent: I understand that England has had an exceptionally wet summer, but I hope there is still a good couple of sunny days waiting for you before winter sets in.

Justin: Sorry that summer is not performing up to your expectations over there. At least you had a couple of days in California and I hope the weather there was all you expected. My advice: "Get that sweater!"

Janis, your comment made me laugh. One day on Farm Town on Facebook, I asked if anybody from the Southern Hemisphere was present. Someone from Florida, USA responded and I was quite shocked. In my mind only SA, Australia, New Zealand and South America is in the Southern Hemisphere! How "blonde" can one be?

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

I marvel at how it can be turning cooler here and warmer there! Creation is wonderful, isn't it!! Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog. I'm looking forward to following yours and seeing your season unfold as mine does.

Happy Spring or is it Autumn??? Both!! Happy season!

A human kind of human said...

Hi Sandy, thanks for visiting. I always enjoy your blog too.