
Blogger Exercises

This was published on http://meermin.wordpress.com/ this morning and it was too good to not pass on.  Hope you enjoy!
Have happy Wednesday!


A Sacred Moment

I held him in my arms in wonder, and looked at himin awe.  Son of my son, This miracle of perfect new life... He opened his mystical baby eyes and looked into my own with profound innocence and trust and a silent covenant of abiding love and loyalty was formed.  A sacred moment.

He was born at 14h17 on Tuesday, 9 February 2010
 with a birth weight of 3,6 kg. 

"Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
 Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."


A Cheat Post

No time yet to write a proper post so allow me to cheat once again.  This is a slightly cynical view of South Africa, yet very amusing.You know you are South African when…

1. You produce a R100 note instead of your driver’s licence when stopped by a traffic officer
2. You can do your monthly shopping on the pavement
3. You have to hire a security guard whenever you park your car
4. You can count the national soccer team's scores with no fingers
5. To get free electricity you have to pay a connection fee of R750
6. Hijacking cars is a profession
7. Defecating in a garden can win you R1-million
8. You can pay your tuition fees by holding up a sign at a traffic light
9. The petrol in your tank may be worth more than your car
10. More people vote in a local reality TV show than in a local election
11. People have the most wonderful names: Christmas, Goodwill, Pretty, Wednesday, Blessing, Brilliant, Gift, Precious, Innocence, Samsung and Airtime.
12. “Now now” can mean anything from a minute to a month!
13. You continue to wait after a traffic light has turned to green to make way for taxis travelling in the opposite direction.
14. Travelling at 120 km/h you’re the slowest vehicle on the highway
15. You’re genuinely and pleasantly surprised whenever you find your car parked where you left it.
16. A bullet train is being introduced but we can’t fix potholes
17. The last time you visited the coast you paid more in speeding fines and toll fees than you did for the entire holiday
18. You paint your cars registration on the roof
19. Half your mail is guaranteed to reach its destination
20. You have to take your own linen with you if you are admitted to a government hospital
21. You dial a toll free number and nobody answers
22. You have to prove that you don’t need a loan to get one
23. Prisoners go on strike.
24. You don’t stop at a red traffic light, in case somebody hijacks your car.
25. You consider it a good month if you only get mugged once.
26. Rwandan refugees start leaving the country because the crime rate is too high.
27. When 2 Afrikaans TV programs are separated by a Xhosa announcement of the following Afrikaans program, and a Pedi ad.
28. The employees DANCE in front of the building to show how unhappy they are.
29. The SABC advertises and shows highlights of the program you just finished viewing.
30. You get cold easily. Anything below 16 degrees Celsius is Arctic weather.
31. You call a bathing suit a “swimming costume”.
32. You stop at robots, not traffic lights.
33. You know what Rooibos Tea is, even if you’ve never had any.
34. You can sing your national anthem in four languages, and you have no idea what it means in any of them.
35. You know someone who knows someone who has met Nelson Mandela.
36. You go to “braais” (barbecues) regularly, where you eat boerewors (long meaty sausage-type thing) and swim, sometimes simultaneously.
37. You have a gear lock for your car.
38. You’ve never seen snow in real life.
39. You know that there’s nothing to do in the Free State.
40. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other South Africans because you know its true.

If any of the above does not make sense, please ask and I will be happy to explain.  I think some of them are universal but many of them are definitely unique to our country.



My Life at the Moment

Life is good
Life is hectic
Life is expectation
Life is exciting

Last year in March I wrote a post (here) about this special person in my life and once again she has given me reason to post about her.  I am very proud of her as she has once again proven that she is a survivor par exellance.  She heard yesterday that she passed her Events Management course.  This in spite of her being dislexic, her doing the course in English (her second language), her doing it through correspondence with no student councillor ever being available and her doing a theology course at the same time.  She has once again proven that she can survive anything life throws her way.  Well done Girl!

Hubby turns 66 on Saturday and our very good friends (of 20 years) is coming to visit for the weekend.  We have not seen them for ages and are very happy to have them for the weekend.  We are having a little get-together to celebrate the birthday boy on Saturday night and all the preparations must be made without upsetting the normal daily doings.  On Saturday morning we have a Gideons function that must be arranged and attended.  The books of our Body Corporate must be prepared for the auditor and the registration for my new maid must be done at the Department of Labour.  With all this happening this week, it is a busy, busy, busy week.

My long-awaited, brand new grandchild must make his entrance into his grandma's arms this world any day now.  He already weighs 3,5 kgs and his mother wholeheartedly agrees with me that it is time.  We are all holding thumbs for a special present for his grandpa on Saturday (lol). 

Gaelyn, from geogypsy is arriving in SA on 3 March and if all goes well and according to plan, I will meet her while she is here.  This is so exciting as I love her blog and I am really looking forward to getting to know her face to face.

So there you have it.  My life at present, in a nutshell.  So if I am somewhat absent from Blogland over the next couple of days (as if I blog daily) please understand. Sooner or later (probably later) I will have time again to sit down and write a proper post... promise.  


Ever wondered if men remember anniversaries?

Someone sent me this one this morning and I thought I'd share it.

A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband was not in their bed. She puts on her dressing gown and goes downstairs to look for him.

She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup of coffee in front of him. He appears to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall.

She watches as he wipes a tear from his eye and takes a sip of his coffee.

What's the matter, dear?' she whispers as she steps into the room, 'Why are you down here at this time of night?'

The husband looks up from his coffee, 'I am just remembering when we first met 20 years ago and started dating. You were only 16. Do you remember back then?' he says solemnly.

The wife is touched to tears thinking that her husband is so caring, so sensitive.

'Yes, I do.' she replies.

The husband pauses. The words were not coming easily.

'Do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car?'

'Yes, I remember!' said the wife, lowering herself into a chair beside him.

The husband continues: ''Do you remember when he shoved the shotgun in my face and said, 'Either you marry my daughter, or I will send you to jail for 20 years?''

'I remember that too.' she replies softly.

He starts sobbing and in between sobs he gets out:

'I would have been released today.'


Lets talk... please!

About 2 months ago, I started an Afrikaans blog on Blogger, but then moved it to Wordpress as that seemed to be more popular amongst fellow Afrikaans bloggers. 

I immediately noticed the different attitude and habits of the bloggers in this Afrikaans environment.  Suddenly I was getting the "strangest" comments on my posts.  People actually disagreed with me on certain issues.  Comments became discussions.  Following comments on posts often became more interesting and entertaining than the original blog.  There is a vibrancy amongst the Afrikaans bloggers that I never experienced on my English blog.  I was quite taken aback in the beginning, but I soon came to enjoy these lively discussions and arguments that ensued after every blog. Admittedly, there are not so many comments on my posts yet, but discussions on the more established blogs sometimes last for days.

On Just I and Myself I am used to much more reserved comments.  Everybody is so polite and invariably agree with whatever view I post.  Compliments galore... and I am grateful for every one of them.

Yet I would not mind if people would disagree with me every now and again.  I live in a small town with a very conservative lifestyle and basically a very narrow outlook on life, and I know that there are other people out there with other lifestyles and cultures and outlooks and visions and I have a longing to interact with them to learn from them.  However, if everybody agrees with me all the time, I will never be challenged to think wider than my little pinpoint on earth.

Surely a person's intelectual and emotional growth starts at birth and only stops with death.  This kind of growth can only sprout if it receives enough nutrition in the form of healthy debate. If we only communicate or interact with those who agree with us and thinks like us, we will never be challenged to consider other possibilities and will become stagnant in our growth.

For myself, I want to be exposed to other ideas.  I want to know how people differ from me.  I want people to be honest if they disagree with my opinion.  I want to test new ideas against other people's ideas.  You might just know something that could change or enrich my perception or understanding of a matter, situation or incident.

This however does not mean that I want to fight or become angry with people, no, not at all.  What I want is to learn from other people's experiences and their more advanced knowledge.  So come on guys, if you think that what I wrote is nonsence, tell me.  If you have any additional ideas on what I wrote, tell me.  If you have a similar story, tell me.  If you disagree, tell me. Lets talk about it and learn from one another, and enjoy one another's differences and eccentricities.