
A Church for Africa - ZCC

Sixteen months ago, I published this post about the yearly pilgrimage of the members of the ZCC to Moria City over the Easter Weekend.  Since then I have received many comments on it, some as late as this morning.  This just proves to me how serious the members of the ZCC is about their church and religion and it just makes me more curious about the essence of this particular church, or two churches as some of the comments insisted.  However, for the sake of brevety I will speak of the ZCC

For years I have wondered about the people walkin around with a star or bird badge pinned to their shirts.  I have realised for a very long time that these people can be trusted and relied on.  I have also come to know them as a very peaceful people.  This always made me wonder just what the doctrine of their church is. My questions about their church and believes have always been met with stoic vagueness, which of course, made me just more curious.

Recently I have met a person who has been a ZCC member all his life and he is not afraid to talk about his religion.  I am learning more and more everyday and am beginning to understand why this is called and "African Church".  Embedded in their believes and practices are the age old African believes and traditions.  I now understand why they feel so much more comfortable with this church than with any other denomination.  I now realise that if I were black, I would have been a ZCC member also.

What makes me sad though is the fact that the black people of our country had to start their own church to find their niche in the Christian community.  If only the missionaries who came out to Africa had done what they were supposed to do, that is, spread the Gospel of the love and grace of Christ, this would not have been necessary.  What they did though, was convert the people of Africa not only to Christianity, but they also tried to convert them to the European social order and way of life.

Once an African was converted to Christianity, the very first thing they did was give him a "Christian" name.  Why?  What was wrong with his African name in the first place?  Then they dressed him up in European clothing and put him to work!  Now I do not know about the rest of you out there, but I would not have been very happy with being told that my name, my dress and my traditions were not good enough.

I guess what I want to say with this post is that although I cannot agree with all their practices, just as I cannot agree with everything that most denominations practice, I do understand and appreciate their way of doing things.  As long as salvation through The Cross is preached and the Holy Spirit is allowed to do His work,  how can I judge whether they are God's people or not.  After all, who amongst us knows just how high, deep or wide the Grace of God truly is.

So to my ZCC brothers and sisters in Christ:  "Kghotsong! and may He make His face shine upon you." 


  1. It is good to see you post and I think your message is beautiful. We should all take it to heart. I don't think any religion should require its members to don a new dress or change their name or adapt to "foreign" ways to worship God.

  2. Eeeh-heh kghotsong my friend. Thanks for this wonderful post. Have a wonderful day. Jo

  3. If one believes the truth of their own cultural mythology there should be no need to convert others.

    Nice to see you online. Take care.

  4. I totally agree with the message of this post. We should't try to transform people according to our vision and religious beliefs.

    One thing I like about my own religion - judaism - is that it does not try to convert or encourage non-religious or people from other religions to come over to it.

  5. As a ZCC member i amtruly greatful to have read your post....it is indeed a great thing to realise tht there are people who find something good in us.....PEACE BE UNTO YOU...

  6. As a ZCC member i amtruly greatful to have read your post....it is indeed a great thing to realise tht there are people who find something good in us.....PEACE BE UNTO YOU...

  7. As a ZCC member i amtruly greatful to have read your post....it is indeed a great thing to realise tht there are people who find something good in us.....PEACE BE UNTO YOU...

  8. Africans did not know the gospel of Christ, it was preached to them for their own salvation, bt satan now comes in and mix the gospel with evil traditions like ancestral worship.I'm black by the way, and the bible teaches me that God does not want us to call upon spirits of the dead. Check Leviticus 19 verse 31. One cannot mix african ancient customs with the Word of God.


I have so much to learn, so any advice, suggestions and criticism will be appreciated and I find that nothing encourages me more that a good comment. Thank you for taking the trouble to comment.