
Sunday morning musings....

Life is good.....
because God is good!

Sitting here on my stoep on this Sunday morning it just comes to me again.
We tend to be so caught up in our everyday lives of strife and struggle that we completely miss the blessings He pours out on us everyday.  Those everyday miracles that we just take for granted.

The beauty of a wonderful song that lifts your spirit to the high heavens....
The soft touch of a cat nuzzling your cheek to get attention, simply because you are her special human...
The wonder of friends the world over who share your thoughts and feelings no matter how far or long away....

As I sit here early in the morning, listening to the wonderful, gentle music of Pieter Coffee, with the smells and sounds of the Bushveldt enfolding me, all the ugliness and pain of a world gone crazy just fades away, and I am anewly (is there such a word?) convicted of the absolute love and presence of a mighty God whose plans we do not always understand, but who also never makes mistakes.

God is good.....
and therefore
Life is good!


  1. Always good to be taken in by the beautiful world around us.

    Hope you are well.

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