
Quick Catch-up

I promised a catch-up and this is the quickest and less painful way to do it.
No Pulitzer Prize expected!

(Not a year that wants to be remembered!)

Dreadful illness of a husband.

Loss of a sister-in-law.
Loss of a brother-in-law.
Loss of a friend who did not deserve to die so tragically!
Loss of no less than 7 co-workers.  Three of them friends.

Change in working conditions (...not good)
Change in own health (...also not good)
Change in family circumstances (...but happy to report that the Little Eagle is soaring)

Major decision (...good!).  After being out and out a career person for 30 years, I have decided to request a severance package from my employer.  Circumstances over the past couple of years have just changed so much for the worse that I no longer have the dedication and loyalty required for what I do.  

(Now this will be a year that wants to be remembered!)

Not so!

My brother lost his little 2 year old great grandson in February when he just did not wake up after a surgical procedure. 

Two well-loved young people of our town - on their way home to celebrate their engagement - dies in a horrendous vehicle accident. 


The beginning of 2012 has been postponed till tomorrow!

PS:  Moses and John had to stay in the wilderness for 40 years to prepare them.  I hope I will learn a lot faster.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have had a rough year. My condolences to all these losses. Seems like it's time for life to get better. My prayers go out to you and your family. Big Hugs!


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